Aligning with the SDGs: The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation


Aligning with the SDGs

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, based in Portugal (FCG), is a large foundation dedicated to improving the quality of life through art, charity, science, and education. FCG saw the United Nations’ Strategic Development Goals (SDGs) as an opportunity for the foundation to be clearer in communicating its intentions and more focused on its mission, while at the same time providing a coherent basis for collaboration with other sectoral and non-sectoral institutions.

FCG engaged Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) for strategic help in its quest to develop a method to assess and report contributions toward the SDGs for each of FCG’s programs and areas of intervention. To assist in this endeavor, RPA

  • Conducted discovery and background research, interviewed various teams, and analyzed the SDG segmentation of existing initiatives.
  • Created a set of resources for FCG, including analyses and indicator menus highlighting activities and results through an SDG lens.
  • Produced materials for implementation, including recommendations on how to measure and report on programs through an SDG lens, tools for calculating relevant indicators, and a foundation-wide implementation guide.


Read more about FCG’s work in alignment with the SDGs:

Aligning with the SDGs: The Gulbenkian Foundation’s Approach